This is a brief description of how to use the spBFA
package within the context of glaucoma progression. To demonstrate the
method we use the VFSeries
data set from the
package. We begin by loading the packages.
## Attaching package: 'spBFA'
## The following object is masked from 'package:womblR':
## diagnostics
The data object VFSeries
has four variables,
, Time
. The data object loads automatically; here’s what
the data looks like,
## Visit DLS Time Location
## 1 1 25 0 1
## 2 2 23 126 1
## 3 3 23 238 1
## 4 4 23 406 1
## 5 5 24 504 1
## 6 6 21 588 1
The variable Visit
represents the visual field test
visit number, DLS
the observed outcome variable,
differential light sensitivity, Time
the time of the visual
field test (in days from baseline visit) and Location
spatial location on the visual field that the observation occurred. To
help illuminate visual field data we can use the
function from the womblR
package. PlotVFTimeSeries
is a function that plots the
observed visual field data over time at each location on the visual
PlotVfTimeSeries(Y = VFSeries$DLS,
Location = VFSeries$Location,
Time = VFSeries$Time,
main = "Visual field sensitivity time series \n at each location",
xlab = "Days from baseline visit",
ylab = "Differential light sensitivity (dB)",
line.col = 1, line.type = 1, line.reg = FALSE)
The figure above demonstrates the visual field from a Humphrey Field Analyzer-II testing machine, which generates 54 spatial locations (only 52 informative locations, note the 2 blanks spots corresponding to the blind spot). At each visual field test a patient is assessed for vision loss.
We can now begin to think about preparing objects for use in the
Bayesian spatial factor analysis function (bfa_sp
According to the manual, we use a formula
specification for
the observed data, where the data must be first ordered spatially and
then temporally (We only use on spatial observation type in this
example, thus O
is one.). Furthermore, we will remove all
locations that correspond to the natural blind spot (which in the
Humphrey Field Analyzer-II correspond to locations 26 and 35).
blind_spot <- c(26, 35) # define blind spot
VFSeries <- VFSeries[order(VFSeries$Location), ] # sort by location
VFSeries <- VFSeries[order(VFSeries$Visit), ] # sort by visit
VFSeries <- VFSeries[!VFSeries$Location %in% blind_spot, ] # remove blind spot locations
dat <- data.frame(Y = VFSeries$DLS / 10) # create data frame with scaled data
Now that we have assigned the observed outcome we move onto the
temporal variable time
. For visual field data we define
this to be the time from the baseline visit. We obtain the unique days
from the baseline visit and scale them to be on the year scale.
## [1] 0.0000000 0.3452055 0.6520548 1.1123288 1.3808219 1.6109589 2.0712329
## [8] 2.3780822 2.5698630
Our example patient has nine visual field visits and the last visit occurred 2.57 years after the baseline visit.
We now specify the adjacency matrix, W
, for our areal
data analysis. We use the HFAII_Queen
adjacency matrix for
visual fields, provided in womblR
. This is an adjacency
matrix that defines an adjacency as edges and corners (i.e., the
movements of a queen in chess). The adjacency objects are preloaded and
contain the blind spot, so we define our adjacency matrix as
W <- HFAII_Queen[-blind_spot, -blind_spot] # visual field adjacency matrix
M <- dim(W)[1] # number of locations
Now that we have specified the data objects, we will customize the objects that characterize Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, in particular hyperparameters, starting values, metropolis tuning values and MCMC inputs.
We begin be specifying the hyperparameters for the model. The parameter ψ is uniformly distributed with lower bound, aψ, and upper bound, bψ. The upper bound for ψ cannot be specified arbitrarily since it is important to account for the magnitude of time elapsed. We specify the following upper bound for ψ to dictate a weakly informative prior distribution.
TimeDist <- as.matrix(dist(Time))
BPsi <- log(0.025) / -min(TimeDist[TimeDist > 0])
APsi <- log(0.975) / -max(TimeDist)
Then, we can create a hyperparameters list
, that can be used for spBFA
. We first
define the number of latent factors (K
) and spatial
observation types (O
K <- 10
O <- 1
Hypers <- list(Sigma2 = list(A = 0.001, B = 0.001),
Kappa = list(SmallUpsilon = O + 1, BigTheta = diag(O)),
Delta = list(A1 = 1, A2 = 20),
Psi = list(APsi = APsi, BPsi = BPsi),
Upsilon = list(Zeta = K + 1, Omega = diag(K)))
Here, σ2 has an inverse
Gamma distribution with shape and scale, κ and Υ have inverse-Wishart distributions
with degrees of freedom (scalar) and scale matrix, and δ has a multiplicative gamma process
shrinkage prior (See the help manual for spBFA
for further
Specify a list
object, Starting
, that
contains the starting values for the hyperparameters.
Starting <- list(Sigma2 = 1,
Kappa = diag(O),
Delta = 2 * (1:K),
Psi = (APsi + BPsi) / 2,
Upsilon = diag(K))
Provide tuning parameters for the metropolis steps in the MCMC sampler.
We set Tuning
to the default setting of one and let the
pilot adaptation in the burn-in phase tune the acceptance rates to the
appropriate range. Finally, we set the MCMC inputs using the
list object.
We specify that our model will run for a burn-in period of 1,000 scans, followed by 1,000 scans after burn-in. In the burn-in period there will be 5 iterations of pilot adaptation evenly spaced out over the period. Finally, the final number of samples to be used for inference will be thinned down to 500 based on the thinning number of 2. We suggest running the sampler 250,000 iterations after burn-in, but in the vignette we are limited by compilation time.
We have now specified all model objects and are prepared to implement
the bfa_sp
regression object. To demonstrate the
object we will use all of its options, even those
that are being used in their default settings.
reg.bfa_sp <- bfa_sp(Y ~ 0, data = dat, dist = W, time = Time, K = 10,
starting = Starting, hypers = Hypers, tuning = Tuning, mcmc = MCMC,
L = Inf,
family = "tobit",
trials = NULL,
temporal.structure = "exponential",
spatial.structure = "discrete",
seed = 54,
gamma.shrinkage = TRUE,
include.space = TRUE,
clustering = TRUE)
## Burn-in progress: |*************************************************|
## Sampler progress: 0%.. 10%.. 20%.. 30%.. 40%.. 50%.. 60%.. 70%.. 80%.. 90%.. 100%..
The first line of arguments are the data objects,
, data
, dist
, and K
. These objects must be specified
for bfa_sp
to run. Note that in the formula we use
, which means that there are no covariates. The second
line of objects are the MCMC characteristics objects we defined
previously. These objects do not need to be defined for
to function, but are provided for the user to
customize the model to their choosing. If they are not provided,
defaults are given. Next, we specify that the infinite mixture model is
used L = Inf
. L
can be any positive integer or
infinity. The family
is set to tobit
since we
know that visual field data is censored (family
can be
, probit
, tobit
, or
). If binomial
is used,
must be specified. Our temporal dependence structure
is set to be exponential
, and the spatial structure is
(i.e., areal). Finally, we define the following
logicals, gamma.shrinkage
(which controls the gamma
shrinkage process), include.space
(which controls if
spatial dependency is included), and clustering
controls if the Bayesian non-parametric process prior is used). We set
the seed
to 54.
The following are the returned objects from
## [1] "lambda" "eta" "beta" "sigma2" "kappa"
## [6] "delta" "tau" "upsilon" "psi" "xi"
## [11] "rho" "metropolis" "datobj" "dataug" "runtime"
The object reg.bfa_sp
contains raw MCMC samples for all
parameters, metropolis acceptance rates and final tuning parameters
) and model runtime (runtime
). The
objects datobj
and dataug
can be ignored as
they are for later use in secondary functions.
Before analyzing the raw MCMC samples from our model we want to
verify that there are no convergence issues. We begin by loading the
Then we convert the raw spBFA
MCMC objects to
package mcmc
objects. We look at σ2(s1)
only for learning purposes.
We begin by checking traceplots of the parameter.
From the figure, it is clear that the traceplots exhibit some poor behavior. However, these traceplots are nicely behaved considering the number of iterations the MCMC sampler ran. The traceplots demonstrate that the parameters have converged to their stationary distribution, but still need more samples to rid themselves of autocorrelation. Finally, we present the corresponding test statistics from the Geweke diagnostic test.
## var1
## 0.6828447
Since the test statistic is not terribly large in the absolute value there is not strong evidence that our model did not converge.
The diagnostics
function in the spBFA
package can be used to calculate various diagnostic metrics. The
function takes in the spBFA
regression object.
## 2
## Calculating Log-Lik: 0%.. 25%.. 50%.. 75%.. 100%.. Done!
## Calculating PPD: 0%.. 25%.. 50%.. 75%.. 100%.. Done!
The diagnostics
function calculates diagnostics that
depend on both the log-likelihood and posterior predictive distribution.
So, if any of these diagnostics are specified, one or both of these must
be sampled from. The keepDeviance
and keepPPD
indicate whether or not these distributions should be saved for the
user. We indicate that we would like the output to be saved for the
log-likelihood (i.e., deviance). We explore the output by looking at the
traceplot of the deviance.
Deviance <- as.mcmc(Diags$deviance)
traceplot(Deviance, ylab = "Deviance", main = "Posterior Deviance")
This distribution has possible convergence issues, however this is not concerning given the number of MCMC iterations run.
## dic pd
## -100.5787 124.2647
## p g dinf
## 214.9629 66.5324 281.4953
## waic p_waic lppd p_waic_1
## -92.93843 84.67741 131.14662 37.44991
The spBFA
package provides the
function for sampling from the posterior
predictive distribution at future time points of the observed data. This
is different from the posterior predictive distribution obtained from
the diagnostics
function, because that distribution is for
the observed time points and is automatically obtained given the
posterior samples from spBFA
. We begin by specifying the
future time point we want to predict as 3 years.
Then, we use predict.spBFA
to calculate the future
posterior predictive distribution.
## Krigging Eta: 0%.. 25%.. 50%.. 75%.. 100%.. Done!
## Krigging Y: 0%.. 25%.. 50%.. 75%.. 100%.. Done!
We can see that predict.spBFA
returns a
containing a matrix of predictions corresponding to
each future time point. The name of each matrix is the numeric time
point for each future visit.
## [1] "Eta" "Y"
You can plot a heat map representation of the posterior distribution
of the change points using the function PlotSensitivity
from womblR
PlotSensitivity(Y = apply(Predictions$Y$Y10, 2, mean) * 10,
main = "Posterior mean prediction\n at 3 years",
legend.lab = "Posterior Mean", legend.round = 2,
bins = 250, border = FALSE, zlim = c(0, 40))
This figure shows the posterior predicted mean at 3 years over the
visual field. The PlotSensitivity
function can be used for
plotting any observations on the visual field surface. We can also plot
the standard deviation.
PlotSensitivity(Y = apply(Predictions$Y$Y10 * 10, 2, sd),
main = "Posterior standard deviation\n (SD) at 3 years",
legend.lab = "Posterior SD", legend.round = 2,
bins = 250, border = FALSE, zlim = c(0, 40))